
Breaking Boundaries: The European Directive’s Influence on Fashion Sustainability

The European directives for the textile and fashion sector had a strong presence at the last Copenhagen Fashion Week.  Copenhagen Fashion Week’s ambitious sustainability action plan, first launched in 2020 and in place since last 2023, obliges all brands to meet 18 minimum requirements, covering six key areas: strategic direction, design, smart choice of materials, […]

The EU hopes sustainable fashion will become part of our lives

As we have mentioned several times before, the fashion industry is considered one of the most polluting industries in the world, responsible for about 20% of the planet’s wastewater. The EU is aware of this situation and intends to change it, but is it possible? Could fast fashion finally be losing steam? The European Union […]

 Textil4all joins the Sustainable Fashion and Fashion Revolution Day

Today, 24th April is Sustainable Fashion and Fashion Revolution Day, a date that reminds us of the importance of making sustainable use of clothes, shoes and accessories we wear.  From Textil4all we celebrate this date, focusing on the progress towards a more sustainable fashion industry and honoring the Fashion Revolution movement. The textile sector is […]

Upcycling: Turning Old Into New

Upcycling is not the same as recycling: “Recycling takes consumer materials — mostly plastic, paper, metal and glass — and breaks them down so their base materials can be remade into a new consumer product, often of lesser quality” “When you upcycle an item, you aren’t breaking down the materials. You may be refashioning it […]

This Saturday, March 30th is the Zero Waste Day.

On 14 December 2022, the United Nations General Assembly defined this date to proclaim 30 March as International Day of Zero Waste, to be observed annually. A date aimed at raising awareness of national, subnational, regional and local zero-waste initiatives and their contribution to achieving sustainable development. The textile sector is relevant regarding this date. […]

Dressing with Conscience: The Intersection between Fashion and Sustainability

The fashion industry has boomed in recent decades, but along with its success has also come environmental and social problems. The textile industry is one of the most polluting industries in the world, contributing significantly to water pollution, waste generation and greenhouse gas emissions. One of the biggest challenges facing this industry is the phenomenon […]

“Being Fashionable is expensive”

·         The UN makes us reflect on what it costs to be fashionable (not only economically). ·         Every second, the equivalent of one truckload of rubbish is buried or burned. ·         From the European project Textil4all, several activities will be carried out to contribute to this necessary change towards a more sustainable textile industry. ·         » It takes around […]