


Textil4all visits the Km0 Moda fair led by ECYS and Finnova

The event served to establish links and networking with interesting leaders in the sustainable textile sector.

28-29 January 2025

The European Erasmus+ project TEXTIL4ALL has participated in the visit to Km0 Moda, the national reference fair that offers a wide range of proximity fashion products, trends and auxiliary services of the textile and fashion sector. The event was held at the Palacio de Santoña, in the heart of Madrid on 28th and 29th January and was attended by more than 100 specialised exhibitors.

Km0 Moda offers a comprehensive vision of the textile value chain, committed to a sustainable future and proximity. The fair brings together leading Spanish companies, designers and professional groups, including manufacturers of fabrics, knitwear, trimmings, pattern-making and digitalisation services, labelling, embroidery and textile garment workshops. The aim is to promote opportunities and synergies between manufacturers, retailers and distributors.

In addition, the latest developments in European legislation that will come into force in 2025 were presented:

1.           The obligatory nature of packaging labelling and its official model in Spain and the EU.

2.           The new General Regulation on product safety and the responsibilities of economic operators.

3.           Updates on the Digital Product Passport.

We would like to thank the Spanish Clothing Association (ASECOM) and Moda España for coordinating the round table, in which experts such as Ismael Aznar Cano, Environment and Climate partner at PwC Tax & Legal; Alberto Ruiz Rodríguez, Advisor in the Cabinet of the Ministry of Industry and Tourism, and with the moderation of José Juan Fernández, Manager at RBS, participated.

This event has been promoted by the Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Services, together with the Directorate General of Economy of the Community of Madrid.